Asset Analysis

How to set up a disposable tableware production line in Italy

In this article: Disposable plastic tableware is no longer a new product. This is an affordable and convenient way to reduce cleaning time and the weight of luggage on vacation or during transportation. Despite the periodic uproar in the press about the harm...

Social guarantees for employees during downtime

New edition of Art. 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation The employer and (or) representatives of the employer authorized by him in the prescribed manner, who have delayed the payment of wages to employees and other violations of wages, are liable in accordance with...

Logo: techniques for creating a selling logo

What is a logo? What do you eat it with? What types of logos are there and when is it appropriate to use it? First of all, a logo is an integral and probably the most important part of a corporate identity. If we briefly characterize the concept of a logo, it is...

Product costing - definition and methods

Calculating the cost of products (works, services) is the calculation of the amount of costs per unit (output) of production. The statement in which calculations are made per unit of production is called costing. Calculation also...

Construction of IT infrastructure

The IT infrastructure of an enterprise is the skeleton, without which the company will not take a single step. The success of the business depends on how effectively the processes within the company and external communication with customers and suppliers are structured. In the era...

Main stages of the assessment procedure

Let us move on to consider the concept of “assessment” as a process that follows a certain algorithm and is independent of the specific characteristics of certain objects and subjects of assessment. In this case, it is important to establish the process parameters, its characteristics,...